Leslie Devereaux Kuester

Leslie Devereaux Kuester Manager Treliant, LLC Leslie Devereaux Kuester is a Manager with Treliant. She has 15 years of compliance experience in corporations, financial institutions, and government. Her expertise covers aspects of sanctions compliance programs...

Daniel Wager

Daniel Wager Vice President, Financial Crime Compliance Accuity Daniel Wager is an experienced financial crime compliance and investigations executive with extensive experience in developing and running programs designed to prevent, detect and report money laundering,...

Mehran Behvandi

Mehran Behvandi Director, Financial Crime Legal Counsel...

Alexander Witt

Alexander Witt Sanctions & Export Controls Consultant ACSS Alexander Witt is a Sanctions & Export Control Consultant for the Association of Certified Sanctions Specialists (ACSS). He is an expert in EU, US, and German Sanctions and Export Control Laws and...

Matthias Ziegelmeier

Matthias Ziegelmeier Group Legal Counsel Compliance Investigations & Sanctions Law...